Syndicate - Multi-layout Framer Business Template


Syndicate is a high-quality multi-layout SaaS Framer template. Syndicate has 19 unique pages that are necessary for any SaaS or Business website. Now you can launch your website in Framer within a day.

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Theme Highlights:

contain more than 19 pages, with different variations for some layouts like homepages, so the pages included in my template are

  • HomePage01

  • HomePage02

  • HomePage03

  • About us

  • Features 01

  • Features02

  • Integrations

  • Career

  • Career details

  • Blog

  • Blog Details

  • coming soon

  • 404 page

  • Contact us

  • Faq

  • Pricing 01

  • Pricing 02

  • Terms

  • Privacy policy

  • High-Quality Development & Page Structure

  • Easily Customised and Updated

  • 100% Responsive and Performant

  • Customer Support & Expert Team

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If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. We're here to support you on your journey to online success with Syndicate!

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